10 Moon Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Moon Quotes today.

10 Best Moon Quotes

1. “If someday the moon calls you by your name don’t be surprised, because every night I tell her about you.” – Shahrazad al Khalij

2. “And all the insects ceased in honor of the moon.” – Jack Kerouac

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3. “Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” – Mark Twain

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4. “But even when the moon looks like it’s waning it’s actually never changing shape. Don’t ever forget that.” – Ai Yazawa

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5. “During the day the Sun causes wounds. And in the night the Moon heals the wounds.” – Suyasha Subedi

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6. “When I look at the moon I do not see a hostile, empty world. I see the radiant body where man has taken his first steps into a frontier that will never end.” – David Scott

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7. “The wisdom of the Moon is greater than the wisdom of the Earth, because the Moon sees the universe better than the Earth can see it.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

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8. The moon is brighter since the barn burned.” – Matsuo Basho

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9. I’ve written a lot of books which are written from the moon – the view from nowhere.” – Clifford Geertz

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10. The army is always the same. The sun and the moon change. The army knows no seasons.” – Frank S. Nugent

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