Check out 10 Mel Robbins Quotes today.
10 Best Mel Robbins Quotes
1. “You are one decision away from a completely different life” – Mel Robbins
2. “You have been assigned this mountain so that you can show others it can be moved.” – Mel Robbins

3. “Passion is not a thing, it’s a state of mind.” – Mel Robbins

4. “I may not be perfect, but I am worthy.” – Mel Robbins

5. “Procrastination is not a form of laziness at all. It’s a coping mechanism for stress.” – Mel Robbins

6. “You change your life one five-second decision at a time.” – Mel Robbins

7. “It’s not the big moves that change everything – it’s the smallest ones in your everyday life that do.” – Mel Robbins

8. “The problem was very clear. It was me. I was holding myself back, five seconds at a time.” – Mel Robbins

9. “The end of the day, you are going to need to do more than think if you want to change your life.” – Mel Robbins

10. “The more that you believe that you are in control of your life, your actions and your future, the happier and more successful you’ll be.” – Mel Robbins

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