10 Humble Quotes That Will Inspire You

Humble Quotes (7)

10 Best Humble Quotes

Check out 10 Humble Quotes today.

1. “To lead the people, walk behind them.” – Lao Tzu

2. “Pride is about my glory; humility is about God’s glory.” – Ephesians

3. “Life is a long lesson in humility.” – Sir James Matthew Barrie

4. “Only humility knows how to appreciate and admire the good qualities of others.” – Sri Chinmoy

5. “It’s all about humanity, humility, and integrity.” – Debra Wilson

6. “Humility is the greatest quality that a man can have, and arrogance is undoubtedly the worst.” – Maulana W. Khan

7. “Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.” – William Penn

8. “Pride makes us artificial; humility make us real.” – Thomas Merton

9. “Never be proud but show humility towards others, true wisdom lies in being humble.” – Shri Radhe Maa

10. “An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in their understanding of things.” – Bryant H. McGill

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