10 Harv Eker Quotes That Will Inspire You

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Check out 10 Harv Eker Quotes today.

10 Best Harv Eker Quotes

1. “20% of your activities produce 80% of your results.” – Harv Eker

2. “If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you.” – Harv Eker

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3. “Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.” – Harv Eker

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4. “The second element of change is understanding. By understanding where your “way of thinking” originates, you can recognize that it has to come from outside you.” – Harv Eker

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5. “The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow.” – Harv Eker

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6. “It’s the same with people as well as all other living organisms: if you are not growing, you are dying.” – Harv Eker

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7. “Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it.” – Harv Eker

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8. “Rich people, as we’ve said earlier, take responsibility for the results in their lives and act upon the mindset “It will work because I’ll make it work.” – Harv Eker

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9. “When you are complaining, you become a living, breathing ‘crap magnet’.” – Harv Eker

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10. “Becoming rich isn’t as much about getting rich financially as about whom you become, in character and mind, to get rich.” – Harv Eker

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